
Jessica Smith

A student of Vipassana (awareness-based) mediation and mindfulness for 20 years

Jessica is passionate about sharing the fundamentals of these practices to help others live a more aware life.

She has studied with Ram Dass, Sharon Salzburg, Jack Kornfield, Pema Chödrön, Joseph Goldstein, and currently is a student of Michael Singer, author of The Untethered Soul.

These revered teachers have given her the knowledge to lead others through awareness-based meditation and offer mindfulness guidance, which she has been doing for over a decade in community groups, yoga studios, corporate environments, as well as classes for children.

In addition to her meditation guidance, Jessica is a fierce dementia advocate, working with caregivers around the world through her Alzheimer’s Awakening project where she is helping people to
see that joy and connection are still possible despite disease.

She leans on the pillars of mindfulness to
help others tune into their self-talk and create a sense of equanimity and centeredness as they approach the complexities of this progressive brain disorder.

She also recently went through training with Alua Arthur at Going With Grace to become a death doula, assisting folks as they traverse fears, identify legacy, and feel the power in the lessons of impermanence. Her hope is to help others ponder the end of their lives in order to live a fuller one now.

All of her work really boils down to one key point: Awareness – of mind, of emotion, of our inner state, and of the world around us. She is grateful to continue to learn from those before her and share these liberating practices.

May all beings be safe. May all beings be free from suffering.
May all beings be free.